An Attitude of Gratitude

Episode Summary

This is the time of year to stop and think about all the things that we could be grateful for. It has been a tough few years for many and lately we have been seeing on many different platforms people focusing on gratitude to offset their dark times. We decided to focus on gratitude and one of the things we found was an online article from GradSchool.cornell.edu, called The Gratitude Project. It’s a research study by Cornell University that really broke down the concept of gratitude and its effects on people and their overall wellbeing. The facilitator of this Gratitude Project, Robert A Emmons, a professor of psychology at Southern California, Davis, an author of many books and the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude. Emmon’s believed that people who express gratefulness on a regular basis have higher levels of positivity, overall better wellness, and determine. His research also showed that the practice of gratitude can have significant and lasting PHYSICAL effects on a person’s life such as lower blood pressure, better immune function and more quality sleep. For those in the first responder world, practicing gratitude could prove beneficial to one's mental and physical wellbeing. We are grateful to all of you who encourage and support us and we grateful to all first responders who put it all on the line. So, come ride along with us! https://gradschool.cornell.edu/alumni/alumni-newsletter/the-gratitude-project/#:~:text=The%20Gratitude%20project%20is%20based,essential%20qualities%20for%20graduate%20students.