SPOTLIGHT MONDAY: Why Does Service Seem Selfish?

Episode Summary

On today's episode we shine the light on how serving as a First Responder can be a challenge to family life. We have come across this question by many of our first responder family guests. Many of them have felt that they themselves end up serving as well but in a different way. They don’t understand why their FR puts serving the community above their own family resulting in resentment and frustration. In our special episode: A Chat with Dr. Dara (Ep. 15), he addressed this issue throughout parts of his interview. When we specifically asked Dr. Dara his thoughts on where this call to service comes from he shares it comes from a core place to serve the community and is a calling that is sometimes passed down from generations. We hope Dr. Dara’s professional explanation opens the door for families to have this important conversation so first responder’s can feel appreciated, the family member’s feel validated and the entire family has a mutual understanding of service. So, come ride along with us!

Episode Notes

E. 42